Module VNG basis voor Disoft II
Module VNG basic for Disoft II, spontaneous, gaze nystagmus, positioning and positional nystagmus and caloric, for NysStar and Headstar
DiSoft II software
This is the software part of the nystagmograph system. Disoft II is the complete release of our nystagmography software. It is fully configurable and customizable to your requests: tests settings, sequence of tests, protocol layouts,...
It has to be used in combination with a hardware nystagmograph acquisition system: NysStar I-II, HeadStar, Ideas III. The following tests possibilities are included within this option:
Spontaneous nystagmus
Positional nystagmus
Postioning nystagmus
Dix-Hallpike nystagmus
Bithermal caloric test
Spontaneous nystagmus
Positional nystagmus
Postioning nystagmus
Dix-Hallpike nystagmus
Bithermal caloric test
Many other possibilites and options are available with the software: interface (GDT, HL7), network databases, review stations, ....
Contact us for more details.